ObjectivesWalkthroughTriviaWANTED CRAYONS The little ones are starting to get bored, and the last thing we need is a pack of kids crying or throwing tantrums. Some crayons would really help them pass the time. Jade thinks there might be some left in the school. If you do find some, please bring them to me.Thanks, Kate 1. Find crayons for the kids 2. Give crayons to KateSee more on dyinglight.fandom.comCottontail Season or the Second Season of Wonders, is the new event, where you complete regular tasks to earn points. When you earn, a certain amount of points, you can get rewards. To get better rewards, you can always purchase the Gold Ticket booster, using real money ($5.99). The main rewards for the event are a cute bunny family, and a bunny house too which can only be available for Gold ...
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